In-person worship at Grace Lutheran Macungie takes place on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. This service is also streamed live to our YouTube Channel at If you miss both in-person worship and the livestream, you may watch the recording afterward.
Address: 28 W. Main Street, Macungie PA. There is off-street parking, and a wheelchair accessible ramp at the front and rear entrances.
Directions: Google Map Directions (opens in new window)

Sunday Worship: where we begin our life together
Sunday worship takes place at 10:30 am with Holy Communion offered each week. Our schedule for special worship services (Holy Week, Christmas Eve, etc.) will be posted to the main page of this website, as well as on Facebook.
Worship at Grace is in a traditional style; the primary instruments used in our services are organ and piano although we do have special music from time to time. The liturgy (order of the worship service, prayers, congregational responses) is printed in its entirety in the worship bulletin. We also use a hymnal (Evangelical Lutheran Worship) for hymns and service music. If you have any questions about what is going on, please ask an usher and they would be glad to help you.
For all worship services, dress as you feel comfortable, and sit in any pew you like. If you need to get up and move during the service, please do so. Your children are ALWAYS welcome in worship! Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs." However, if at any time you and your child need a break or a bit of privacy we have a fully stocked Nursery in the Education Wing. There is a Pack and Play with a changing station attached, toys, baby needs, and even an adjustable dial on the wall to allow the sound from the services to be heard in there. There is no staff on duty, but you are welcome to use this space at any time.
A word about Holy Communion: at Grace, ALL are welcome at the Lord's Table. The practice of this congregation is to commune children from the third grade on, after they have received instruction. Younger children (as well as anyone who for any reason does not wish to partake of the Lord's Supper) are invited to come forward for a blessing. At this time, Holy Communion at Grace uses pre-sealed communion elements. You may choose bread and wine, or bread and grape juice.
Tools for Life: learning God's Word
Christian Education is important to how we grow in faith. At each level of life, there is something to learn: God never changes, but we do!
Grace offers education from age 3 through high school, and an adult forum/study group as well. Sunday School and Adult Forum meet Sundays at 9:15 am, September - May.
Other Christian Learning Opportunities at Grace:
Confirmation Classes: These classes teach young adults more about what we believe, and prepare them to publicly affirm their baptism. This is a two year program, usually attended by students in 7th and 8th grades.
First Communion Classes: These classes take place in the spring, during Lent, and teach about the Sacrament of the Altar. At Grace, the classes are designed for the third grader, and last 4-5 weeks (during the Sunday school hour)
Vacation Bible School: A week of fun and learning in June each year. More about VBS
Connecting: building relationships, deepening faith
This is a partial listing of ways to get involved in the life of Grace Lutheran Church: see links under "Classes and Groups" or "Community Outreach" for more information.
Senior Choir: A lively group of adults who meet Thursday evenings and share their talents during worship.
Bell Choir: These ringers praise God with bells and chimes, practice Monday nights, and play as part of the worship service on the average of once a month .
Outreach/Social Ministry: This committee helps to organize events and in-kind donation drives to benefit those in need in our greater community. Programs include Grace's Free Community Meal held monthly, and the Food Cupboard distribution held weekly (see individual pages for more about these programs). In addition, GLC does outreach in conjunction with other faith communities, such as the Winter Clothing Drive (with St. Luke's Lutheran Allentown), and the Lehigh Mission District Ingathering (early December).
Prayer Shawl Ministry: They create warm shawls which are given to those in need of a healing touch: a tangible symbol of how we are wrapped in God's love.
Quilt Sewing Circle: These fabric crafters make dozens of quilts each year to give away to those in need.
Parish Life: This committee plans social events for the enjoyment and bonding of members, visitors, and guests.
Grace also has a men's breakfast ministry, a woman's group, and several other ways to connect with people and participate in a life of faith at Grace Lutheran.
Commitment: adding your gifts to this faith family
At Grace Lutheran we believe "church" is not just the name of the building where we meet; church is a family of people. The church is the body of Christ seeking to do His work in the world, to love our neighbors as ourselves, and to be who God has called us to be. We go out into the world with gladness, for we enjoy going to the places God sends us, with Jesus leading us on and walking alongside.
If you think this might be the place for you, come add your gifts to ours! We welcome you to Grace Lutheran Church.
Contact the office for more information at 610-966-3325 or email