Current Donation Drive
The Kindness Project: The Kindness Project supports foster and adoptive families across Eastern PA by supplying clothing, shoes, personal care products, and other essential items for those in need. Read more at During Lent, we are holding a special in-kind donation drive for TKP. They have asked for the following items:
- Cantu brand natural or curly hair products (available online and at Ollie's)
- face wash/cleanser
- baby/kids hair detangling spray
- baby hair brushes
- Aveeno brand baby care products (lotion, wash, shampoo)
See collection bins at church entrances for your donations.
Annual or Quarterly Support
Lehigh Mission District Ingathering: Through the Lehigh Mission District of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod of Lutheran churches, the annual Ingathering provides needed personal items and Christmas gifts to many different non-profit institutions in the Lehigh Valley. Grace collects the requested items during October and November. The items are then packed up and delvered to the organizations in need during the first week of December.
Ingathering 2024: A huge thank you to everyone who donated items or monetary gifts. The church budget paid for 10 individual gifts for residents at Good Shepherd Raker Center and a check for $50 to the Lehigh Mission District. The congregation donated 157 items for the Sixth Street Shelter and 123 items for St. Mark’s Sharing Life, together with a monetary donation of $795.00 to the Lehigh Mission District to be used as needed. Thank you for supporting those in need this holiday season!
Daybreak Allentown The Daybreak Drop-in Day Shelter, operated by the Lehigh Conference of Churches, is in need of new and gently used socks and brand new underwear in all sizes for both men and women. Please place your donations in the collection box by the back door in the Chapel.
St. Luke's Winter Clothing Drive: During the colder months (November - March), GLC collects gently-used winter coats, hats, scarves, gloves, and sweat suits. These are given to St. Luke’s Lutheran Church in downtown Allentown, where they are distributed to people in need. Men’s, women’s, and children’s coats of all sizes are needed. During the season, please leave your donations in the large blue bin in the chapel. During the 2023-2024 cold season, Grace collected and donated 55 coats and 105 hats, gloves, scarves, and other clothing items.
Other Ongoing Support
Lutheran World Relief: We make health kits for disaster survivors, and also contribute financially. LWR gives lifesaving aid to those in emergencies around the world. You may donate online, or make your checks payable to Grace Lutheran Church, with “LWR” in the subject line. Read more about their efforts and what you can do to support them:
ELCA World Hunger Appeal: We give to help eradicate world hunger through the ELCA World Hunger Appeal. Learn more about the ELCA's efforts at this link: ELCA World Hunger