Confirmation Classes
Confirmation class takes place from 7th-8th grade (usually but not always) and meets twice monthly. Confirmation Program
Faith Formation
Faith Formation is provided by classes from nursery school through adult levels.
Vacation Bible School
Each June, Grace provides a time of fun and learning for children age three through grade six during VBS, held evenings from 6-8 pm for one week (Monday - Friday).
Music in Worship
Between Senior Choir, Hand Bell Choir, and special music, the music program at Grace Lutheran has a place for everyone.
Service in Worship
Opportunities to serve in worship services at Grace include Acolytes, Altar Guild, Children’s Sermons, Communion Assistants, Lectors (readers), and Ushers. To volunteer, please contact the church office at 610-966-3325.
Social Groups
Card Club - Do you like to play or want to learn? The Card Club meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month, from 1 pm - 3 pm in Fellowship Hall.
Crafting - We have a Prayer Shawl Ministry as well as a Quilt Sewing Group
Seniors - The "Gracious Seniors" group meets quarterly for lunch, laughter, and an informational program.
Men's - "Men of Breakfast" or "MOB" meet at 8 am at the East Penn Diner in Emmaus on the last Saturday of each month for breakfast and conversation. The "MOB" also assist with various church functions during the year.
Women's - "Sisters in Spirit" or "SIS" meet in the Chapel at 7 pm on the second Wednesday of every month (except June, July, and August) for service projects and social time.
Other Groups Meeting at Grace
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meets in the lower level Fellowship Hall on Wednesdays at 7 pm and Saturdays at 10 pm.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meets in the lower level Fellowship Hall on Sundays at 6:30 pm.
Girl Scout Troops meet at Grace in the Fellowship Hall on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings.