Quilt Sewers
The Sewing Circle meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 9:30 am in Fellowship Hall. Their next meeting dates are March 4 and March 18. Helpers are always needed, and you don't need to know how to sew. We will teach you how to knot the quilts which requires no experience. Please join our fun group! Any questions, please call Nancy Rex at 610-391-1369.
During the 1970s, the women of Grace Lutheran Church initiated a group called the Sewing Circle. To this day, women (both church members and friends) gather at Grace to share freely of their time and talents to make quilts and lap robes for persons in need. During the morning they work and enjoy fellowship with one another.
How Quilts Are Assembled
The first step in making the quilts and lap robes is to cut the fabric into sized squares (a lap robe is sized to cover a persons lap and legs). Then each square is sewn together using a sewing machine. While the cutting and sewing of squares is being done, other persons are working on making the backing; cutting and sizing. When the squares (patches) and backing are ready it is then time for the quilts to be put into a quilting frame. Here they are knotted: in the center of each square is sewn a knot using crochet thread. The final step is to hem the quilt, which is done using a sewing machine.
At a yearly worship service, the whole congregation blesses quilts that are then donated to the Zionsville Area Food Bank.
Materials and Donations Appreciated
The Sewing Circle relies on the generosity of Church members to donate fabric, preferably cotton, but all fabrics are appreciated. In addition, sewing thread and crocheting threads are also much needed. Also requested are old blankets and sheets. These items are used as backing for the quilts. From time-to-time monetary contributions are graciously received and are then used to purchase necessary materials.