Grace Free Community Meal The Grace FCM is held the second Friday of each month. Some months the meal has both dine-in and take-out options, and some months are take-out only. At this time, we anticipate January, February, and March meals in 2025 will be take out only.
On Friday, January 10, Bonnie Day and Amy Crowe and other volunteers made 240 delicious meals of sausage, a potato patty, cole slaw, a roll with butter, and brownies. Thanks to Pat and John Smack for delivering the extra meals to the Allentown Rescue Misison.
The next Free Community Meal will be held on Friday, February 14 from 4:00 - 5:30 pm. This month the hosts are Shelly Stichter, Pastor Samantha, and the Confirmation Class. The menu will consist of ravioli casserole with meat sauce, salad with poppyseed dressing, a roll with butter, and heart-shaped cookies for dessert. This meal will be take-out only. If you can help bake, cook, pack or cleanup please sign up at the Signup Genius link: February FCM
Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who help make this worthwhile ministry possible to continue to bring a little joy to our community. Remember Grace is the Place!
If you would be willing to host a meal in 2025, please contact Pat Smack at
As people of faith, God calls us to help those whom Jesus called "the least of these." (Matthew 25:40) When Jesus fed the multitudes (the only miracle to appear in all four gospels), he didn't ask anyone to pay, to demonstrate worthiness, or even to prove their need. And as Christians - although we often come up short - we try to follow the way of Christ. That is why on the second Friday of each month, Grace hosts a Free Community Meal (FCM). At that time anyone and everyone is welcome to pick up a meal (or meals) and a friendly greeting. During this time of pandemic, the FCM is to-go and we ask that you please wear a mask when you come by. If you would like to know more about the Free Community Meal, or give a monetary donation, please email Pat Smack at, or call the church office.
More pictures of the FCM crew: