Ash Wednesday The Lenten season begins with Ash Wednesday worship on March 5 at 7:00 pm. This service includes corporate confession, Holy Communion, and the (optional) Imposition of Ashes. Following Ash Wednesday, the next five Wednesday evenings will have a midweek worship, also at 7:00 pm.
2025 Midweek Lenten Worship Series Please join us for a time of midweek worship and reflection on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm during Lent, as we slow down and take some quiet time apart with God. Grace will hold five Wednesday services: three of Holden Evening Prayer and two of Evening Vespers from the ELW hymnal. For Lent this year, our midweek worship will include a series of dialogues on Lenten commemorations: celebrations of saints and other notable figures of church history which take place during this time of year. The dialogues were written by the Rev. Roger E. Timm in his book Lenten Dialogues: Exploring the Gospel of Luke. The dates are:
March 12 at 7 pm Holden Evening Prayer "Polycarp and Ignatius"
March 19 at 7 pm ELW Vespers "John, Charles and Susanna Wesley"
March 26 at 7 pm Holden Evening Prayer "A Conversation with Harriet Tubman"
April 2 at 7 pm ELW Vespers "Saint Patrick"
April 9 at 7 pm Holden Evening Prayer "Saint Oscar Romero"
Please join us for these five weekly gatherings, a pause to be with God and your church family, a time for prayer and spiritual reflection. All services will be held in person in our main church building, as well as available online at